15/03/2019 - It didn't happen for me
A Picture Book Chub
It Didn’t Happen For Me
For the first time in 78 years I found I couldn’t fish on the last day of the coarse fishing season March 14TH, it’s the first time in 78 years that I have missed the last day, even Hitler’s bombs and doodlebugs the V-1 and V-2 rockets or buzz bombs as they were often called didn’t stop me and my grandad from fishing.
A Large Beech Tree Stopped Me
With the river bank high I chose to fish a spot in a small copse with a row of beech trees, I planned to fish a small pool at the top end which today would have around six feet of water protected from the fast water by the upstream bank. It was situated at the top end of a small copse of beech, silver birch two big oak trees with lots of brambles and holly bushes. Walking upstream through the trees, I shuddered a bit at the way the trees were swaying one way, then the other, it didn’t really look a safe spot to be, getting closer to the pool I found a large tree had crashed down blocking my way, that was enough for me I returned the way I had come. Back at the car I chucked my gear in the back then made the 3 mile drive to the other side of the river, a distance of about a hundred yards as the crow flies.
Flooded Fields
After parking I stood and surveyed the watery scene, it didn’t look good, in fact it looked quite dangerous to even attempt to fish as it was hard to see the edge go the river. I then drove off to another stretch to find it was impossible to cross a flooded stream as I couldn’t see the small bridge I had to cross, another idea which wouldn’t work. I then drove back upstream to the first spot, the stood disheartened as I looked across the field, yesterday it had been hard today it was impossible. With no choice I returned home then spent the rest of the day stripping line off my reels, wiping down the rods, cleaning the ferrule and handles before hanging up the rods for the next three months. In a couple of weeks it would be nice to cast a dry fly for a trout, followed by sea trout, bass and mullet.
A Picture Book Chub
My friend Gary Cullum fished the River Kennet just as dusk was falling, Gary caught a 5 lb 9 ounce chub on float fished bread flake, that fish was straight out of Mr Crabtree Goes Fishing, well done Gary a great way to end the season.
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