fly fishing sport fishing freshwater fishing
Martin James award-winning fisherman consultant,broadcaster,writer


01/05/2019 - I'm a fan of old tackle

float winders from the 1920's 30's


I'm A Fan of Old Tackle

At the recent book launch of Dick Walker – The Legend my friend Paul known made a present to me of some 1920/30’s pole float winders with the original floats line weights etc, naturally I couldn’t use the shots and hook or the silk line, so I have scrapped them safely. I am now going to reload the winders with the old float but new line shots and hooks. Some will no doubt get their first use during the first week of the season along with my 98 year old Sowerbutts pole. . The first picture show the new and the old, the second picture are some more winders one has the name of R H Levermore engraved on the side, does anyone know of this name with ref fishing tackle? The float on the left in the third picture is an old traditional antenna float made from Celluloid a flammable substance made from pyroxylin and camphor.



The old and the new

pole floats

my 98 year old pole still as good as new

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Martin James Fishing
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