17/10/2020 - A Day On The River Tony Koziol
Tony's chub 4 lb 4 ounces
Thursday 15th October I was priviledged to fish a stretch of river I hadn’t fished before, I started off fishing just after 8 am with a piece of bread crust on a size 4 hook. After about an hour’s fishing I felt a small pluck on the line, struck immediately and a minute or two later landed a Brown Trout of over a pound. Another hour later, again on bread crust, a good pull resulted in a lost fish which I suspected to be a Chub. Half an hour or so later yet another Brown Trout, this time a little bit bigger, was landed again on bread crust.
At noon I changed swims moving further down stream then after two biteless hours I then moved back to my original swim. At around 4.30 pm yet another Brown Trout took the bread only to be lost at the net.
At 5.30 pm, as dusk was fast approaching, the line was pulled from my fingers and then a fight commenced with what I knew would be a Chub. After a few minutes it came up high in the water half way across the river and I could see that it was a good size. After a further couple of minutes it was under the rod tip, it made several lunges and then was netted safely. It looked a good long fish but upon further inspection looked a bit hollow but still pulled the scales down to 4lbs 4ozs. All in all, a good day on the River,
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