04/08/2023 - A Few Hours On The Ouse
A 4lb chub
I was going to fish the Ouse in Sussex on Saturday, but gave it a miss with thunder and lightning forecast, today Sunday the forecast was light showers with an over cast sky with light wind, and so it proved. I was well pleased to see the river had some colour with a good flow below the weir.In the car park I made up my Chevin rod, small fixed spool reel with 12 lb bs line, then added a sliding float bead, to which I would mould some plasticine as weight, followed by a size 4 barbless hook.
In my shoulder bag I had a loaf of bread, a selection of hooks, plasticine, camera, waterproof coat also a small flask of milk. In my small freezer bag I had 20 lobs, a dozen Waitrose King size prawns, also a sandwich for myself at lunch time. The first hundred yards or so was tough going the pain in my legs and hips was really hurting, but from past experience the more I walked the better it was after some 600 yards the pain was bearable. After about a mile I come across what I thought would be a good swim with thick bankside cover both sides of the river, I didn’t see another angler until later in the day. Quietly getting into position so I wouldn’t spook any fish under the ten foot high bank. I spent fifteen minutes or so taking in the swim, noting where the snags were, the fast water swept downstream, then turned right across some gravel shallows before sweeping left under a large oak tree where I could see some roots in the water, certainly a danger point should I hook a fish in that area.
Having moulded enough plasticine to slowly sink the crust bait, all I had to do was gently lower the bait down under the rod tip, as it started to sink it was swept under the bank where a bush was half hanging in the water then settled. Within a minute I felt the line tighten over my index finger as the rod tip bent slowly downwards, I was into a fish that done its best to get into some tree roots but the balanced tackle dealt with the problem, as with most summer chub it soon was ready for netting, I was well pleased as I hauled it up the high bank “That’s a nice fish to start off with I thought” it was nicely hooked in the corner of the mouth.During my session I fished four different spots, all heavily bushed with some big trees plus lots of brambles, most anglers would give these spots a miss. Knowing I would be in this kind of territory I wore my army cameo gear which is ideal when pushing through brambles and nettles. all three baits worked probably prawns proved to be the best on the day. I had a total of 13 chub 12 X 3lbs estimated, also a 4lb 7 ounce fish, plus 2 perch I thought might be around the pound mark, I was well pleased with my effort. To end my day on a high, I spotted sign Best English Cherries, half a mile further along the road in a layby a lady had a table loaded with best “Kentish Cherries”, this was a big bonus for me. I’m sorry I don’t have any pics from today as I don’t have a card reader to down load from my Cannon camera, though I have now just purchased a Lumix camera, the only reason for the change, is my Cannon is on the large size, once I have sorted out the technology of the Lumix I will be able to down load straight to my PC.
Another good chub
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