fly fishing sport fishing freshwater fishing
Martin James award-winning fisherman consultant,broadcaster,writer


23/05/2024 - Common Blue Damselfly attacking and taking a Mayfly

Common Blue Damselfly For the first time in my life covering some 80 plus years On Tuesday morning I watched a Common Blue Damselfly attacking and taking a Mayfly. It then landed on some green vegetation, where no doubt it was going to devour the Mayfly. Not having my camera, I asked my friend Bill if he was use his phone camera to take a photograph for me. Sadly has he got close the Damselfly flew away leaving its prey behind. The Mayfly was still live then able to fly away. Despite guiding Bill to catching some fine trout, the Mayfly episode was the highlight of not, only of the day, but perhaps my lifetime as an angler and naturalist.

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Martin James Fishing
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