29/06/2016 - Lone Angler Tackle Review
Clearwater Alloy Avon Floats
I’ve been a float collector since I was about 5 years old, at one time I couldn’t go into a tackle shop without coming out with another float, I well remember buying a very large cork bodied float, then finding I hadn’t got enough shot in my tin to cock the float, it was a lesson well learnt, more so as I wasn’t going to fish any waters at that time to need a big Avon float. In my collection I’ve got floats used by Bernard Venables including a very large porcupine, another float is a red tipped swan quill used by Bill Penney the one time roach record holder with a 3lb 14 ounce fish, another float is an olive green quill made and used by Richard Walker, on three occasions I’ve had to go in the river to retrieve it. At a gathering I organized for a few friends when I was awarded an MBE I was presented with 2 Avon style floats by Mick Holgate which had been inscribed Martin James MBE 2012
Clearwater Angling Floats Avon’s and Fliers
Sometime ago Mike O’Neill called to tell me about some new floats that Lone Angler was stocking, I thought does the world need another float? A few weeks later I had a look at the website then thought yes perhaps it does, I ordered 3 Alloy Avons 6gr 8gr and 10gr, when they arrived the first thing that impressed this old man with poor eyesight was the thickness of the float tip and its lovely bright orange colour, something I would be able to see at distance. I’ve tried fishing with the 10gram float in a weir pool finding it perfect in the boiling white water where one needs to fish for the early season chub or barbel. It’s also important to have a float to take some weight so you can mend the line without moving the float of its course which will quickly spook the fish.
I imagine Oliver Johnson who developed these Avon’s is a knowledgeable river angler especially on fast turbulent waters as the Wye, Avon, Stour and similar waters. Coming in a range of sizes from 4g-10g Alloy Avon’s offering ideal compromise between buoyancy and delicacy ensuring that even the shyest of bites are registered. It doesn’t matter how big the float is I done think it matters in bite indication if its shotted correctly. I’ve never had a problem fishing a big float on the fast turbulent waters when I've the correct amount of weight. Oliver’s idea of using a micro swivel, ensuring minimal line twist and damage is an excellent idea, and one I will use at times should I get a line twist problem.
Another set of float from the same stable are the Flyers which I feel will be perfect when fishing at distance for rudd, tench and perch, they are weighted in the base of the float, making them perfect for casting an incredible distance, the thickness of the float tip and its lovely bright orange colour will be easily seen at distance by most people. The floats come in sizes from 4g -8g, I’ve got the floats in 4gr 6gr and 8gr all taking 3 number 4 shot. The finish on all the float I purchased are excellent. Available from Lone Angler Tel 01753-619166

Clearwater Flyers
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