02/04/2018 - My Weapon of Choice
My old Cane Pole
After some 90 odd years my pole for the first time is being refurbished by Lee Price of Cane & Able, in the first picture the pole as it looked when it come out of the tackle shop years before World War 2, the second picture shows it some way into its refurbishment. In another few weeks it will be ready to fish with.
No Topping These Days
The only addition to the way I fish these days is the topping has gone to be replaced with elastic, if I should hook a good bream, perch, chub, tench when roach fishing I will have a good chance of landing it.
It’s not Heavy just Well Balanced
Many anglers remark “How do you hold that heavy old bit of cane”? It’s so well made and balanced it isn’t a problem, has not been since I was about 15 years of age, in those days lots of anglers on the Medway, Beult, Thames, Lea, Arun, Sussex Ouse and tidal Kentish Stour fished the pole. Today I fish swims on the Ribble and Wye which are suitable for the pole, then of course the gravel pits where I have deep water over the edge of the reeds and lilies it’s the perfect weapon. I did once buy a Lerc pole, after an hour or so I packed it away, then gave it away, it was just a lifeless piece of fibre glass with no soul. Today I sit in my study looking at my cane pole, very quickly many memories come flooding back to past days of fishing. June 16th I will be wielding my pole on the River Beult for a full weeks fishing from dawn to dusk, Long may they last

Half Way Through It's Refurbishment

I Catch Lots Of Roach Like This One Fishing Dust and Crust
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