18/03/2021 - A Prospect Of Angling Bernard Venables
Book cover of A Prospect Of Angling - Bernard Venables
A Prospect Of Angling is a book that will stand alongside half a dozen books including Still Water Angling that have been published in past two centuries,. One word describes this tomb “Outstanding” Bernard known as Mr Crabtree, has captured the essence of our wonderful sport or pastime through his writings and paintings. Whereas Still Water Angling taught us how to capture the big fish that Bernard created in word and artform.
No one in my lifetime captured the peaceful and amazing pleasure that we anglers feel when we are at the waterside, even the waterside cattle were painted as lovely peaceful animals. It was on the banks of the River Medway, I first met pipe smoking Bernard wearing a gabardineMackintosh a fashion in the 1950's, his pipe giving off a wonderful aroma, which certainly encouraged several of us to become pipe smokers. Bernard had come to release some tagged perch that the recently launched Angling Times were releasing into several waters countrywide. If you were lucky to catch one of these fish it could be worth £25-00 a huge sum in those days. I was lucky that day to shake the man’s hand also have my school book prize Mr Crabtree Goes Fishing signed, he was the complete gentleman.
In A Prospect Of Angling by Bernard Venables you will read some of the best Venables writing and capture the delights of his art work. The written word through this book, is from his many articles in the Angling Times, the book immediately takes you back to those wonderful atmospheric and learning days of the 1950’s. The first chapter is titled Splendid Uncertainty October 22nd 1954. The last chapter titled The Story of William Grant is from AT February 25th 1955. I wish to thank Wayne of Little Egret Press who worked with Eileen Venables and the family for giving us this wonderful tribute to Mr Crabtree - Bernard Venables MBE The book is now available from Little Egret Press. If your planning to purchase a book this, is the title to choose.
Bernard At The Crabtree Lake in Berkshire where we shared many happy days
Bernard and myself, during one of many lunch breaks at the waterside discussing the famous Crabtree Net which many of us own copies. One word describes this tomb “Outstanding”
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