12/08/2023 - 3 Sessions on The Ribble
This week I have had 3 sessions on the Ribble, under ideal conditions, the river was perfect for trout fishing, also for chub, dace and grayling. Sunday morning I fished with John Kershaw and fly dresser Dave Riding, they fished for trout, I chose to fish for chub, conditions were ideal warm but overcast with a light wind, the river had nearly 2 feet of extra water, both John and David had some trout including a sea trout to john. I had five chub averaging around 3lbs, all on freelined Garlic sausage. What gave me most pleasure was seeing quite a large colony of grasshoppers.
Monday I was joined by Ian Chapman, it was around 1600 hrs when we arrived on the river, conditions were similar to Sundays weather and water flow. Ian chose to float fish, catching a few chub to 2.5lbs but also got some trout which is expected when your trotting with bread flake. Meanwhile I chose to roam, fishing freelined Garlic sausage in some spots bread crust in others with a small piece of plasticine to get the crust on the bottom, trout did cause a problem, but I also had several nice chub, the best at 4lb 6 ounces, one of the best looking chub I’ve seen, I suppose if it had been an actress being photographed, it would have been in the "Raquel Welch" class of the 1960’s. Without doubt it has to be my best summer caught chub in 80 odd years of angling.
Wednesday I was back on the river, not angling this time but working, the first job was to remove a fly blown smelly badger from the car park, not an easy job, not sure how it had got there, though looking at the grass it looked as if it had been in a fight. Could it have been an otter v badger”? I asked myself. An hour later having disposed of the animal, I went off with saw to remove some branches of trees covering the notice boards, also open up some winter swims. I then had a half hour break, watching a small colony of grasshoppers, since chemicals have not been used for some three years, it’s amazing the amount of insects appearing. long may it continue, I then went off to remove Himalayan balsam, by pulling and bashing, about three hours I’d had enough, I find it hard work these days. After a brew and sandwich, I spent the next two hours helping a member catch a few trout. By changing the nymph from beaded Richard Walker mayfly, to a non-beaded pattern, then to a beaded B&P spider, followed by a Pheasant tail, then a small Dunkeld. I have often found switching patterns after a blank period of fifteen minutes or so will often work, it did today, including a sea trout to the Dunkeld. Back home after a shower, I had a snooze in the armchair for an hour, before raking the lawn. I hope to be on the River Aire on Friday.

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