31/08/2014 - My Chub Fishing Set Up
My Chub Fishing Set Up
I would like to thank everyone for their e-mails over the past twelve months and your support for my many fund raising events for the ABF The Soldiers Charity, many of your e-mails seek advice on how I fish some of the venues up and down the country, recently I’ve had several e-mails from readers asking about my set up when chub fishing which is often my first choice quarry, it’s quite simple as the pictures will illustrate also I have used extra thick line in the pictures. IMG 0593 is my Stonze set up when fishing over gravel or small pebbles, the colour and weight of the stone is important, I use one to blend in with the bed of the river the size depending on the flow rate. The length of line between Stonze and hook varies from 3-6 inches when fishing crust, when fishing paste baits I use on average 15 inches but there have been occasions when the length is up to 3 feet. It will all depend on the conditions and venue being fished.
Plastacine wrapped LG’S
My other set up when fishing rivers with lots of rocky sections such as the Ribble is the use of LG shot wrapped in plastacine IMG 0594 The number of shot will depend on the venue being fished it could vary from 1 LG up to 6 LG. Again the length of line between plastacine wrapped LG’s and hook varies from 3-6 inches when fishing crust, when fishing paste baits on average it’s 15 inches but on occasions the length again is up to 3 feet depending on the conditions and venue being fished. Some will question the light weights I use, the answer is I don’t fish the opposite bank or middle of a fast flowing river, I will fish a bait under the far bank though when fishing the upper reaches of a river. Most of my fishing is done within twenty or thirty feet, most of my chub get caught a few feet from the bank but some distance up or down stream. I use two types of line 6lb fluorocarbon and 12lb braid, the former is used more often than the latter which is usually used in flood water conditions. I have always felt that most rods are far too stiff for chub fishing and feel that an 11 -12 foot rod in fibre glass with a TC of about 1.25lbs to 1.5lbs would be the way to go, Thomas and Thomas recently produced some fibre glass rods for fly fishing which have proved excellent. The two rods I currently use are the Lone Angler chub rod and my old chub rod The Chevin which I have use for many years, not only has it been used in the capture of chub to 7lbs 10 ounces it’s also handled many double figure barbel. I use small fixed spool reels either Mitchell 300’s or Shimano 2500 size also centre pins reels, hooks are Pallatrax in size from 4’s to 10’s I see no reason to change. if you spook your chub it doesn't matter how good the tackle and bait, you want catch.
IMG 0593
IMG 0594
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